KFKI – Coastal Research
The aim of the KFKI - an amalgamation of federal and coastal state administrations engaged in coastal research - is to record and forecast natural processes along the coast.
The KFKI, with its headquarters in Hamburg, was founded in 1973 as a joint institution serving the German federal government and German coastal states. The head office and library are located on the premises of the German Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW). The projects undertaken by the KFKI are financed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The KFKI offers its services to public authorities, research institutes and the general public.
The major task of the KFKI was declared to be the investigation as well as the forecasting of natural processes, with the aim of securing an environmentally compatible and sustainable utilisation of the coast and the coastal foreshore. This task will also shape future research in coastal engineering.
Promotion of the documentation, distribution and utilization of research findings in the coastal zone is one of the major tasks of the KFKI.
Publication of the Die Küste journal and the KFKI newsletter as well as the upkeep of a scientific library and a collection of periodicals relating to coastal engineering.
All reports and publications relating to KFKI research projects are maintained in bibliographic form and are also available to a large extent online.
Visit the website of the KFKI to find out more about the German Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute.